Did you know…

September is National Preparedness Month, a nationwide effort to encourage Americans to take simple steps to prepare for emergencies in their homes, businesses, and schools.

Being Prepared when Emergency Strikes

Have a Kit:

  1. Water, one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation
  2. Food, at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food (include can-opener if necessary)
  3. Warmth, sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person. Consider additional bedding if you live in a cold-weather climate
  4. Battery-powered or hand crank radio and extra batteries
  5. Flashlight and extra batteries
  6. First aid kit
  7. Additional Items to Consider:
    • Prescription medications and glasses
    • Infant formula and diapers
    • Pet food and extra water for your pet
    • Whistle to signal for help
    • Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation and hygiene items
    • Mess kits, paper cups, plates and plastic utensils, paper towels
    • Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities

Make a Plan: be thorough and practice it ahead of time

Be Informed: go to www.ready.gov for more information being prepared in your home, business, and school

GO Tip

Ask yourself, “Is what I’m doing helping me accomplish the results I truly desire in my career, my family, my life?” If your answer is anything other than an emphatic “YES!”, spend some time this month to define your priorities and plan your course for life, rather than letting it pass you by. Workbook pages 46-53 can help you ensure that you are doing everything you can to prepare yourself for success in every aspect of your life.

A Thought To Ponder

“If I only had an hour to chop down a tree, I would spend the first 45 minutes sharpening my axe. ”
~ Abraham Lincoln