Need help getting yourself to the next level? The Growth Plans listed on this page are free printable downloads designed to help you get the training you need in a recommended order. Of course, you are welcome to use the site and watch the sessions you need, in whatever order you want. These Growth Plans are simply intended to be a resource for you and your staff development.
Help! I’ve never really had any computer training!
Are you part of the computer generation gap? That generation (myself included) when daily computer use wasn’t the norm so computer classes weren’t mainstream; but, within a few years of starting your career, they become a necessary skill for everyone in the workplace? If that’s you or if for other reasons you are new to using a computer for work, this Growth Plan contains a recommended list of sessions that should help you close that gap.
New to Office
First, Congratulations on your new role! We are here to help you get acclimated, both to the office environment and to Microsoft Office. We want you to be successful in your new role so please don’t hesitate to email with questions or to schedule a time to call!
Excel Training
This Growth Plan will take you from the basics of Excel, including some things veteran users wish they knew, through intermediate game-changing features. Then, after time getting comfortable with the basics and intermediate tools, I recommend exploring Excel’s more advanced tools. Even for a veteran user, I recommend starting at the beginning because I am confident you will pick up some time-saving tricks and have many A-ha! moments.
Be the Office Rock Star!
This Growth Plan is designed for the person who is already comfortable with the Microsoft Office Suite but would like to know even more! Caution: These sessions might make you invaluable to your organization!
A Better Way to…Signature Series
A Better Way to…, our Signature Series, these sessions are the go-to tools that Janet uses every day to be as efficient as possible in her own work.
A Better Way to Check Sheet
Rather than a Growth Plan, this pdf is a quick reference tool listing all our content available for live training and those sessions that are recorded. It can be used to quickly see the whole site at a glance. Sessions listed in regular font are recorded and available now. Those listed in gray font are not yet recorded but are available for live delivery. Join our newsletter to stay informed on upcoming live and newly published recorded sessions. If you are a member of the Let’s Grow Together community, feel free to use this pdf to track your completed sessions and mark which ones you want to watch next.